Sunday, December 15, 2013

Busyness and Distraction vs. Advent

My pastor, Kris, challenged us on December 1st to spend the next 25 days embracing the season of advent. Until recently, that meant little to me. What is advent, anyway? I now understand that it simply means watchful waiting. We are to spend this season waiting on the Messiah. During Advent, we 1) look back on His first coming, 2) look forward to His return at the end of all things, and 3) pay attention to His nearness, even in the mundane. Watchfulness is the theme.

But what does December look like for us? If you’re like me, you scramble to buy and wrap presents and make it to all the Christmas parties you want to attend in addition to your typically overloaded schedule. Kris posed the convicting question: how many opportunities to pay attention do we miss because we’re busy and distracted? We live in a time deficit.

I accepted Kris’s challenge and planned to add ten minutes to my devotional time each morning and use it to simply sit in God’s presence. To rest and breathe, tuning my ear and heart to the gentle—yet powerful—presence of the Comforter whom Jesus sent us. I also committed to reserving Sunday as a day of worship and rest with no task list, no mandatory activities outside the scope of those two goals. I set out to allow my daily 10 minutes of resting in God’s presence and devotion of Sunday to the same to plant in my heart growing seeds of the Shalom that Adam and Eve must have enjoyed before the Fall. What might it be like to continually walk in God’s presence?

It has been 14 days since I accepted Kris’s challenge to embrace the meaning of Advent this month. I have invested those 10 extra minutes to still myself to wait for my Savior more days than not and successfully reserved each Sunday for rest. Yet I was convicted this morning of how miserably I have failed to carry into my daily activities the peace I experience there. The time I spend resting in Jesus’ presence is to me a breath of fresh air. But then I often switch gears and charge into my day trying to tackle it on my own.

As Kris said: This season pulls us away from watchfulness into busyness and distraction. For the next 10 days, I want to pause every time I feel the stress of my busyness and overcome the distraction by inviting Jesus into the activity of that moment and facing it with the strength of His presence. After all, what comfort did God offer to virtually every prophet who was overwhelmed by his task? Those beautiful words, “I am with you.” (Joshua 1:9 is one of many examples.)

What will the next 10 days look like for you? How might you step back from the frantic hustle and bustle to cultivate watchful awareness of Jesus’ presence and Kingdom here, now?

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