Friday, March 7, 2014

Lent vs. Distractions

My pastor explained Lent as letting go of good things to embrace pursuits that are more important. It is about turning our affection to the Lord. I reflected on what would be beneficial to give up and how I could replace it with something of greater value.

I have come to realize that the way I use my lunch break probably impacts my day more than I realize. I want to use it in a new way and see what the Lord does with it. Working from home gives me great freedom, and I typically use lunch in one of two ways. I either plow ahead or distract myself. I keep working, sandwich in hand, or I seek distraction and entertainment by turning on the TV or watching youtube videos. Plowing through refuses me an opportunity to take a break (which I am not good at doing anyway). Ironically, seeking entertainment also robs me of rest. It puts something else in front of me and keeps my mind occupied and distracted—but still busy.

For the 40 days of Lent, I am choosing to do neither. I deeply long to know the Lord intimately and walk through my days with continual awareness of His presence, the larger story of the Kingdom and my part in that story. Throughout Lent, I will create space for God in the middle of my day. I have no objectives to accomplish or activities in which to engage. I will simply eat in silence, seeking to be fully present in the moment. I open my heart to the reality that I am not alone at any point throughout the day. He is here. And I am here with Him. My hope is that this use of my lunch break will give me space to rest and help me stay grounded in God’s presence throughout the day.